Showing 3 Result(s)
hong shao rou
Chinese Food Dinner Recipes

Hong Shao Rou (Red Braised Pork Belly with Abalone)

Hong Shao Rou(红烧肉), often translated as Red Braised Pork Belly, is a classic dish from Chinese cuisine, involving braising the pork in a sweet and savory sauce. This beloved dish features pork belly as its primary ingredient, which is slow-cooked until tender in a rich and savory sauce. The sauce is characterized by a deep, reddish-brown color, which comes from a combination of dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, and Shaoxing wine, along with rock candies that caramelizes during cooking, giving it a glossy finish and a deeply flavorful taste. Varieties of Hong Shao Rou Hong Shao Rou is a …

how to make pork jerky (meat latiao)
Chinese Food Snack

Pork Jerky (Meat Latiao)

Are you craving the social-media viral latiao but concerned about excessive gluten and spiciness? Give this simple oven-baked sweet and spicy pork jerky recipe a try. It’s a healthier, gluten-free, and equally delicious alternative to store-bought latiao that’s easy to make at home. With basic ingredients, this recipe promises chewy, tender, flavorful pork jerky that competes with any store-bought variety. Enjoy it as a sweet and savory treat for those with a low spicy tolerance. Alternatively, for spice enthusiasts, elevate it with a coating of rich Sichuan chili oil to achieve an authentic latiao flavor. Tips for making pork jerky/meat …

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