Showing 4 Result(s)
hong shao rou
Chinese Food Dinner Recipes

Hong Shao Rou (Red Braised Pork Belly with Abalone)

Hong Shao Rou(红烧肉), often translated as Red Braised Pork Belly, is a classic dish from Chinese cuisine, involving braising the pork in a sweet and savory sauce. This beloved dish features pork belly as its primary ingredient, which is slow-cooked until tender in a rich and savory sauce. The sauce is characterized by a deep, reddish-brown color, which comes from a combination of dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, and Shaoxing wine, along with rock candies that caramelizes during cooking, giving it a glossy finish and a deeply flavorful taste. Varieties of Hong Shao Rou Hong Shao Rou is a …

how to make pork jerky (meat latiao)
Chinese Food Snack

Pork Jerky (Meat Latiao)

Are you craving the social-media viral latiao but concerned about excessive gluten and spiciness? Give this simple oven-baked sweet and spicy pork jerky recipe a try. It’s a healthier, gluten-free, and equally delicious alternative to store-bought latiao that’s easy to make at home. With basic ingredients, this recipe promises chewy, tender, flavorful pork jerky that competes with any store-bought variety. Enjoy it as a sweet and savory treat for those with a low spicy tolerance. Alternatively, for spice enthusiasts, elevate it with a coating of rich Sichuan chili oil to achieve an authentic latiao flavor. Tips for making pork jerky/meat …

How to Make Spam at Home
Dinner Recipes Snack

How to Make Spam at Home

As a child, I enjoyed the taste and texture of Spam, much like many other kids. However, my mom never included Spam in our grocery shopping because she believed that factories might use lower-quality pork, possibly neck meat, in canned meat products like Spam. Perhaps due to this belief, even now, I often detect a subtle bad odor from canned Spam. Fortunately, when my craving for Spam strikes, my dad steps in and prepares it at home using the finest quality ground pork he can find. After experimenting with and adjusting the ingredients over the years, my dad successfully replicated …

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