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how to make pork jerky (meat latiao)
Chinese Food Snack

Pork Jerky (Meat Latiao)

Are you craving the social-media viral latiao but concerned about excessive gluten and spiciness? Give this simple oven-baked sweet and spicy pork jerky recipe a try. It’s a healthier, gluten-free, and equally delicious alternative to store-bought latiao that’s easy to make at home. With basic ingredients, this recipe promises chewy, tender, flavorful pork jerky that competes with any store-bought variety. Enjoy it as a sweet and savory treat for those with a low spicy tolerance. Alternatively, for spice enthusiasts, elevate it with a coating of rich Sichuan chili oil to achieve an authentic latiao flavor. Tips for making pork jerky/meat …

homemade latiao
Chinese Food Snack Vegetarian Recipe

Latiao (Chinese spicy strips)

Latiao (辣条), or la tiao, is a popular Chinese snack known for its spicy flavor and chewy texture. It is typically made from gluten flour, which makes it a vegan friendly but unsuitable for those with gluten sensitivity. What Does Latiao Taste Like? In the Chinese language, “La” (辣) translates to “spicy,” and “tiao” (条) translates to “strip.” Therefore, “latiao” can be understood literally as “spicy strips.” Consequently, the predominant taste you’ll experience with latiao is spiciness. While the degree of spiciness may differ across various latiao types, ranging from mild to extremely hot, making a completely non-spicy latiao is …

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